We require a minimum of 1/8” (0.125”) bleed on all projects.
This will add 1/4” (0.25”) to your overall image area, on both
dimensions. Below are some example layout files incorporating our
templates available in our Product Templates section.
In this example, if you wanted to print a 3.5” x 2” standard business
card with image all the way to the edge, you would need to submit a file
3.75” x 2.25”.
Bleed is the extended image area of your print job, that prevents
unprinted paper from showing on the edges of your finished job. We
require an 1/8” (0.125”) bleed, on all projects.
It is not practical to print the image exactly to the edge of your
finished product. Instead, additional image area is printed past where
the item will be trimmed.